
Hillside High International School is a British curriculum school and follows the guidelines
of such a curriculum in terms of the distribution of subjects on the timetable. As a Cambridge Centre we are expected to adhere to such guidelines in order to prepare students for the CAIE IGCSEs (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) and AS levels (Advanced Subsidiary) and A levels (Advanced). IGCSEs are recognised around the world as school leaving qualifications. Cambridge AS and A levels are considered as qualifications for entry into universities in most countries of the world.
Year 7 to Year 9 is referred to as Key Stage 3
and follows a broad curriculum with an hour of Mathematics and English taught every day. In addition science is taught in the three main disciplines of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, as well as two languages, French and Kiswahili, three humanities subjects of History, Geography and Religious Studies and the vocational subjects of ICT, Art. P.E. and Environmental Management.

Years 12 and 13 are referred to as Key Stage 5
and is the two year programme leading to the A level exams. At the end of Year 12 students sit for AS level exams which are considered as ‘half an A level’. The AS and A level subjects offered at AS and A level at Hillside are: Mathematics, English Literature, History, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, ICT, Art & Design, French, Economics and Business.
All students also sit for the AS level General Paper. Hillside High International offers a programme of support throughout the school including PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) and Careers

Years 10 and 11 are referred to as Key Stage 4
and is the two year programme leading to the IGCSE exams. Every student is required to study Mathematics and English. They must also choose one language from French or Kiswahili In addition they make a choice of five subjects from Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Religious Studies, Sociology, ICT, Art, English Literature & Business Studies.
The IGCSE exams are graded from A* to G with A* being the highest passing grade and a G the lowest passing grade. Although all grades represent a pass, many Universities and employers consider only Grade C or above as a benchmark for qualification in a subject. Similarly, Hillside requires a Grade C or higher in at least four subjects at IGCSE in order to qualify for our A level programme. Experience tells us that anything less than this is likely to result in a student being unsuccessful in their A level studies. We do not wish to set up our students to fail and will advise on alternative paths to follow after IGCSEs in such a case.

and Higher Education advice. There is also an after school programme of sports and other activities.